The Moors Index: Reece Kendall

Reece Kendall can get up and down the touchline and whip a great ball into the box – but what’s he like when we start hurling a load of weird questions at him? Let’s find out…

40 What would be your specialist subject on Mastermind?
Haha, I have no idea – I honestly don’t know everything about anything! I would just have to go for general knowledge and take my chances! I don’t get deep into anything – if anyone ever wants to get into a serious conversation, it’s no good!

8 What is the coldest you’ve ever been?
I went to Lapland when I was younger, and it was absolutely Baltic there. I was only about 10 but I can remember it being freezing and them driving down the black ice about 60mph! Thankfully, they gave you all the gear to wrap up in.

10 If you could play a role in any film, you’ve seen which one would it be?
It’s got to be Jay out of The Inbetweeners. He’s pure class, isn’t he? I absolutely love banter like that, so I am a massive fan of The Inbetweeners, or any stupid films of TV programmes.

59 Are you a calm or an angry driver?
Angry! Haha! When I get someone taking the micky or I get stuck in traffic, I will just get quite wound up and start shouting usually!

5 How you like to celebrate after a good win?
I would probably go home and order a nice curry. I love Indian food. I would probably go for a Vindaloo because I enjoy spicy food. On the side you have to have chapatis and chips too.

11 What one thing do you get the micky taken out of you about more than anything else?
Hmm. I don’t know on that one, to be fair. A lot of people like to laugh at my ears when I get my hair cut because they stick out a bit, don’t they? Haha!

17 Did you pass your driving test first time?
Yes, it was easy! I took to driving straight away and found the test quite straightforward. It was the theory test that threw me – it took me 11 attempts to pass. I got 42 marks about seven times, and I think you need 43 to pass!

12 What was the last film you went to see?
I like to go to the cinema every now and then, but I can’t remember the last time I went! I think it was for one of the new Superman films that came out, so it was a while ago!

49 If you owned a restaurant, what type of food would it serve?
I do like Indian and Asian food so maybe just bring that all together under one roof. I wouldn’t be the chef – that’s what my mum is for. She would have to work in the restaurant, I would say! Haha!

6 What emoji do you use the most?
Probably the big laughing face, I would say. Having said that, I don’t tend to use too many because I can be really blunt on text messages! If someone wants a conversation, they can ring me – I am better speaking on the phone and I don’t really like texting.

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