Moors in the Community’s successful Walking Football programme is continuing to go from strength to strength, with men and women welcome to attend our sessions.
When the project first started, there were just two players at the first session. However, we soon boasted a regular turnout of 25 or more and moved up to three sessions every week.
Indeed, such was the enthusiasm for it, the Club then entered a Walking Football Team into the Durham FA Over-60s League and this season they won the Division 2 title after winning all eight of their games!
Whilst we have regular attendees at our casual training sessions, we have recently welcomed the first female and we would love more to come along and join the fun in the coming weeks.
“Walking Football has been one of the true success stories of Moors in the Community,” said the Club’s Sports Development Officer, Matty Arnell.
“Due to the fantastic support of our sponsors, Treadmark Tyres, and the brilliant work from our volunteers we’ve been able to really push the Programme on.
“It’s a really enjoyable way for people to keep fit and make new friends, so hopefully more and more local people can continue to benefit in the coming months and years.”
Sessions are held at Spennymoor Leisure Centre every Tuesday (10am-11am) and Thursday (2pm-3pm), after which players are welcome back to The Brewery Field for a post-match drink and a natter.
There is also a weekly session on the 3G pitch at Active Life @ Coxhoe on a Saturday morning between 10am and 11am.
Females over the age of 40 and males over the age of 50 of all abilities are able to attend, with sessions costing £3 each – though we will give you your first session free as a welcome gesture!
Call Brian Shippen on 07825 794 187 for more information about Walking Football.