Who Are Ya: Dan Myers

We get to know new signing Dan Myers a little better by peppering him with a host of pretty random questions and seeing what he can come up with in response! Let’s go…

On The Pitch

1 What’s the best goal you’ve ever scored?
Haha, I don’t score many goals! I will get one or two a season usually but they’re normally just simple tap-ins or something like that. I am more into getting assists than goals.

2 What position did you play when you were at school?
I played in the Number 10 role most of the time. To be honest, I used to be quite small when I was at school, and it wasn’t until I had a growth spurt that I started playing further back just after college. I was a tricky little Number 10 when I was a kid!

3 Which team did you support when you were growing up?
Liverpool. All my dad’s side of the family is Everton and my mum’s side is Liverpool. All of my family are from Liverpool, so the Merseyside derby can be fun in my house!

4 Were you the best player on your school team?
Haha, there were some decent players on our team, to be fair. Our team wasn’t the best in the area but we did okay.

5 What’s the best moment in football so far?
It’s probably this moment, signing for Spennymoor Town. To get my first contract and to be looking forward to playing in National League North is big deal for me and a very proud moment.

Off The Pitch

1 How many tattoos do you have?
None. I have come close to getting one a few times in the past when I have been on lads’ holidays, but I’ve never gone through with it. Maybe I will get one if I go away at the end of the season!

2 What food do you absolutely hate?
I can’t think of anything I absolutely hate, but I can be a picky eater with some food. I tell you what, I don’t like olives much – I won’t eat them.

3 What’s your favourite film?
I would say it’s probably The Inbetweeners. I have watched that probably five or six times over the years and it still makes me laugh whenever I watch it. It’s brilliant.

4 What hobbies do you have?
I have been trying to play a little bit of golf but that’s still a work in progress. I picked it up last summer and try to play quite often but I’ve got plenty of work to do to be any good!

5 What’s your favourite television programme?
Peaky Blinders. I watched all of that and loved it. I am quite busy most of the time with work and then my football, so I don’t have a great deal of television time. I certainly don’t watch much at the minute because I have some exams coming up and I’m studying for those.

Background Check

1 What was your best subject at school?
I was good at Geography. I think I enjoyed it so much because I found that I was good at it. I did well at GCSE level with that and went on to study it at A Level too.

2 What was your worst subject at school?
Anything to do with languages, I just couldn’t pick it up and because I wasn’t that bothered about it I found it quite hard. Learning languages just wasn’t for me at school.

3 What was your favourite television show growing up?
I would say it was probably The Simpsons. I used to watch episodes of that all the time, in fact I probably still watch it whenever there’s nothing else on these days too.

4 What was your favourite Christmas present as a child?
I remember one year I got the new Superfly boots when they had just been released. That’s the present that comes to mind. My parent didn’t know – I am not sure they even do to this day – that I used to sneak into the garage where they’d hidden them and try them on before Christmas! Haha!

5 Which video game was your favourite as a child?
I was pretty into gaming when I was young and it was mainly playing FIFA or Call of Duty. I was pretty good at FIFA back in the day and I do have the new game but I don’t get around do playing as much these days.

Would You Rather…

1 Would you rather be three feet taller or three feet smaller?
I would have to for the taller option, I am not sure why! It would be handy to be that tall as a football player, wouldn’t it? I would be a handful at set-pieces, that’s for sure!

2 Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and good looking?
Haha. I would go rich and ugly. I reckon you can get loads more stuff done if you’ve got plenty of money so that would be the better way to go!

3 Would you rather have no phone for a month or no car for a month?
No phone. I’m on my phone fairly regularly but I do I think I could still function if it was taken away – but if you took my car away, I don’t know what I would do!

4 Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
Haha. I guess I would have to go for only being able to shout. I am not sure being a defender and whispering would be a particularly good combination, especially with the crowds that come in at The Brewery Field!

5 Would you rather always lose or never play?
Ooh, that’s a hard one. I am not sure I can even answer it. I am a pretty competitive person so always losing would not be great, but I am not sure I am ready to stop playing football altogether. Not sure!

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