Be Our Twelfth Man In 2024/25 – Lee

Graeme Lee has underlined the important role the fans can play during 2024/25 as Season Ticket sales continue to rise ahead of the end of the Early Bird period this weekend.

The Moors boss has been enthused by sales figures this summer as supporters have rushed to get behind the team after a hugely encouraging run at the end of last term.

The best value deals to be had on 2024/25 Season Tickets are within the Early Bird window which is set to run until the end of Sunday, after which prices will increase.

And Lee says that the backing received at The Brewery Field should not be underestimated and is never taken for granted as he continues to shape plans for the players’ return to training.

“The support we had last season was incredible really, particularly during that amazing run we had at home in the final few months,” Lee admitted.

“It makes a huge difference to the staff and the players when the crowd is up and right behind us at The Brewery Field, and I know it’s not the kind of place opposition teams relish visiting.

“I felt like there was a really special connection building between players and fans last season; you could feel that energy during games and see the bond when we celebrated together after our victories.

“As a Club, we’ve done what we can to keep football affordable to as many people as possible by putting on some really great value Season Tickets for 2024/25.

“From what I hear, sales have been really positive, and I would urge fans to buy theirs in the next few days to ensure they make as a big a saving as they can.

“We’re working extremely hard behind the scenes to put together a team to build on the momentum, and one that you will not only enjoy watching, but can all be proud to support.”

During the Early Bird period, supporters can make some incredible savings on matchday prices and ensure they have their place at every game during the new National League North campaign.

If you want to buy your Season Tickets in-person, you can do so from The Brewery Field from 5pm onwards this Friday and Saturday as well as from 12noon until 11pm on Sunday.

Click here now to buy your 2024/25 Season Ticket online today.

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