Love Or Money: Rob Ramshaw

It’s the turn of midfield maestro Rob Ramshaw to take on our popular feature and make his choices from our list of quickfire questions – let’s see how he gets on…

Out For A Jog or Hit The Gym?
Hit The Gym

Online Order or Go To The Shops?
Online Order

Do The Cooking or Do The Dishes?
Do The Dishes

Shirt And Tie or Tracksuit And Trainers?
Tracksuit And Trainers

On The Beach or By The Pool?
On The Beach

Sunday Roast or Burger And Chips?
Sunday Roast

Pizza or Pasta?

Tea or Coffee?

Savoury or Sweet?

Custard Cream or Jammie Dodger?
Custard Cream

Order In or Eat Out?
Eat Out

Comedy or Horror?

Left Handed or Right Handed?
Right Handed

Hold A Grudge or Make Things Up?
Hold A Grudge

Make A Call or Send A Text?
Send A Text

Drive Or Be Driven?

Crunching Tackle or Cheeky Nutmeg?
Crunching Tackle

Power or Placement?

Last Minute Winner or Thirty-Yard Wonder Strike?
Last Minute Winner

Love or Money?

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